April 6, 2023

Sinpex wins award at the Fintech Germany Award 2022

Sinpex wins award at the Fintech Germany Award 2022

Sinpex, a Munich-based start-up that provides automated identification and compliance solutions, has won the second prize at the renowned Fintech Germany Award in the Seed Stage category. Sinpex helps itsB2B clients accelerate processes that prevent money laundering (AML) and financial crime by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The start-up's software helps its high-profile clients shorten their know-your-business (KYC) processes from months to hours through automation and the use of AI.

Sinpex was founded in 2019 by Dr. Camillo Werdich and Jannik Metzner, with the goal of simplifying the lengthy processes of identifying and verifying business customers by using the latest technology.The company's client list includes renowned companies such as Deloitte, Riverty, and PWC.

The Fintech Germany Award, presented byFrankfurt Main Finance e.V., Techfluence UK, and the WM Gruppe since 2016, is the leading award for Fintech companies in Germany. The award recognizes outstanding start-ups in several categories, including Seed Stage, Early Stage, and Later Stage.

Sinpex's win at the Fintech Germany Award highlights the company's innovative approach to automation and the use of AI to enhance compliance and identification processes. The award also underscores Sinpex's dedication to delivering value to its clients and achieving excellence in the Fintech industry. By automating KYC and AML processes, Sinpex helps its clients achieve compliance with regulations while increasing efficiency and speed.

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