February 16, 2021


  • Sinpex accelerates the automation of highly complex document types meeting high-quality result expectations
  • Swisscom contract, one service provider, one billing, one reporting

Swisscom integrates Sinpex Services. Therefore, customers of Swisscom will have the opportunity to obtain the Software which Sinpex developed by solely contracting Swisscom.

Swisscom is the leading provider of communication, IT, and entertainment in Switzerland. Swisscom offers its customers, primarily corporate banks, a shared services platform to address all of today’s client-side needs such as Input Management, Output Management, or eForms and Contracts.

Sinpex is a Fintech company from Munich which aims to revolutionize the Compliance Industry using Artificial Intelligence such as Natural Language Processing. The software developed by Sinpex is more time-efficient than traditional Compliance Processes and increases the degree of accuracy. 

Swisscom and Sinpex working together since February 2021.

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