September 9, 2020

Bayern Innovativ

Bayern Innovativ
  • Sinpex receives a BayernInnovativ Grant for outstanding Innovation 
  • Strengthening the partnership between Sinpex and bavarian companies
  • Sinpex is benefiting from an exclusive network that includes the most innovative companies in Bavaria

BayernInnovativ is a subsidy program by the Bavarian ministry of economics which honors outstanding innovations and startups in Bavaria. Besides granting financial support, BayernInnovativ offers a network connecting research institutions, universities, technology networks, and other organizations to create a so-called “Thinktank” to further nurture Innovation and scientific progress. 

Sinpex specializes in developing self-learning algorithms for data extraction in financial documents. Using NLP, structured and unstructured data sources are systematically analyzed for relevant information. The extracted information is 100% traceable and, providing experts a transparent basis for expert judgment. Sinpex uses the right mix of human involvement and artificial intelligence. 

Sinpex received a financial grant for outstanding and innovative Startups by BayernInnovativ in September 2020.

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